One of the most important disorders caused by ready-to-eat food consumption and sedentary life today is obesity. According to the report, which was last prepared in 2016 with the joint work of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health, the obesity rate in children reached 9.9 percent. Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Asst. Prof. Merve Bayram pointed out that this rate has increased even more today and made important warnings to prevent obesity.
Emphasizing that the biggest cause of obesity in childhood is wrong eating habits, Bayram said, "We can group these habits under a broader heading. For instance, uniform nutrition. Children love the pasta and bread group. When they consume such foods, they do not get the other nutrients they need. Another factor is the widespread consumption of fast food or the ease of access of children to processed packaged products, particularly junk food. The fact that these products are widely consumed by their peers or households, the advertisements associated with these products or the healthy presentation of packaged products are other factors.”
Insomnia is also the cause of obesity
Stating that another most important factor causing obesity is insomnia, Asst. Prof. Merve Bayram made the following statements:
“Especially with the spread of digitalization, the screen exposure of children using tablets, computers, mobile phones and televisions has increased. At this point, insomnia also comes into play. While sleep deprivation alone is a factor that causes obesity, exposure to digital screens can also lead to insomnia in children. Children's desire for snacks may increase when they are exposed to them. If they are sleep deprived at night, their desire to eat at night may increase. Or the calories they take in may increase because they eat the food quickly in front of the screen and do not know what they are eating.”
Development of cancer types increases with obesity
Family's eating habits are crucial. Children can eat a lot due to situations such as sadness, stress and peer bullying. Describing the diseases that occur in children with obesity, Asst. Prof. Merve Bayram remarked, "Obesity is a problem in itself for chronic diseases. With obesity, the development of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and some specific types of cancer will be increasing. Childhood obesity is more important than in adulthood. If you have obesity in childhood, the age of development of these diseases will decrease. At this point, the risk of complications for advanced ages will increase. ”
Healthy eating habits start in the family
''Healthy eating habits in children start from the family. Parents should adopt healthy eating habits. If the parents have this habit, since the child starts by imitating them, s/he will continue his/her life by learning it." Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Head Asst. Prof. Merve Bayram also reminded the effect of sedentary life on obesity.
“Set a family sports day”
Bayram gave important advice due to the fact that children will be in the house and do less physical activity as the weather gets colder." Digitalization needs to be transformed into benefit at this point. There are various digital games that will increase physical activity. The family can encourage the child to play such games or even play with them. By determining a sports day, you can go for a family walk or any activity done in winter season.”