Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nutrition And Dietetics

 Olive Tree Day Event

An event titled "Olive Tree Day" was held by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF), Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (Turkish). The participants of the event were moderator Assist. Prof. Ayşe Huri Özkarabulut, Research Assistant Başak Can, Lecturer Münevver Başak Onat and Lecturer Dilara Serarslan.

The moderator of the event, Ayşe Huri Özkarabulut, made statements about the World Olive Tree Day determined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Unesco. Emphasizing the importance of olives, Özkarabulut recited the poem "I Am the Olive Tree" by Suat Çağlayan. After sharing the professional experiences of the event speakers with the audience, Özkarabulut left the floor to the speakers.

The first speaker of the event, Research Assistant Başak Can, explained the mythology and history of the Olive Tree. Research Assistant Başak Can said, “The olive tree; It is the symbol of holiness, abundance, fertility, justice, health, peace, purification and rebirth, in short, virtue and human values. She said, It is mentioned as a sacred tree in all three holy books of monotheistic religions. Başak Can talked about the homeland of the olive tree, its history and the areas where it is used, and concluded by stating that the branches of the olive tree are also included in the emblem of the Turkish Dietetic Association.

The second speaker of the event, Lecturer Münevver Başak Onat, talked about the fruit of the olive tree, olive oil and the effects of olive tree on health. Lecturer Başak Onat said, "Olive is a herbal source known for its high oil content, it is included as a fruit in the botanical classification" said. Başak Onat talked about the content and production of olive oil and continued her speech by talking about the separation of olive oil according to the degree of purification. Başak Onat ended her presentation by talking about the storage and calorie content of olive oil, the health effects of olive leaves and olive leaves.

The third speaker of the event, Lecturer Dilara Serarslan, gave general information about the Mediterranean diet. Dilara Serarslan talked about the history and nutritional content of the Mediterranean diet and stated that the diet content mainly consists of olive oil, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Lecturer Serarslan talked about the basic features of the Mediterranean diet and the pyramid of the Mediterranean diet. She said this diet has positive effects on cardiovascular diseases, cancer, type 2 diabetes and obesity. After talking about the Mediterranean diet-weight control, she ended the presentation by explaining the olive oil content in this diet.

After the third speaker, questions from the audience were answered. At the end of the event, moderator Ayşe Özkarabulut said, “We would like to thank our speakers for the valuable information they have presented to us. We would like to thank our audience for their participation and patience," she said, and the event ended.