"The Tenacious Defense of Nutritional Therapy Against an Army Like Cancer" Seminar will be held online on Friday, 23.12.2022 at 12:00 with the valuable participation of Ankara City Hospital Clinical Nutrition Unit Team Members and KEPAN Vice President Prof Dr Mutlu DOĞANAY. All students are invited.
Meeting ID: 919 4079 4430
Password: 349180

"The Tenacious Defense of Nutritional Therapy Against an Army Like Cancer" Seminar will be held online on Friday, 23.12.2022 at 12:00 with the valuable participation of Ankara City Hospital Clinical Nutrition Unit Team Members and KEPAN Vice President Prof Dr Mutlu DOĞANAY. All students are invited.
Zoom Meeting Join Link: https://zoom.us/j/91940794430?pwd=ZE9QUCtOanAwNWJ0SjFBdmozMXZiZz09
Meeting ID: 919 4079 4430
Password: 349180