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Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 World Almond Day

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Asst. Prof. Aylar Kargar Mohammadinazhad made statements regarding World Almond Day, highlighting the nutritional content of almonds, their effects on health, and their role in sustainable agriculture.

Almond Day is a special day celebrated every year on February 16. Various events are organized, especially in regions where almonds are grown, to emphasize the importance of this nutritious and delicious nut. Throughout history, almonds have been a part of healthy diets and have held a significant place in culinary cultures.

Almonds are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamin E, and magnesium. They offer many benefits, such as supporting heart health, regulating blood sugar levels, and increasing satiety. Additionally, almonds are known for their skin-supporting effects.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) highlight the importance of healthy eating and sustainable agriculture while emphasizing the nutritional value of almonds. According to FAO, nuts like almonds play a crucial role in food security and can be effective in promoting healthy diets. Therefore, raising awareness about almond production and consumption is essential.

On February 16, Almond Day, recipes featuring almonds are shared worldwide, awareness of the health benefits of almonds is raised, and producers are supported. Almond cultivation is common in Mediterranean climate regions and is an important economic activity in countries such as Turkey, the USA, Spain, and Italy.

In Turkey, various almond festivals are organized in regions where almond cultivation is widespread. The Datça Almond Blossom Festival, in particular, attracts great interest from tourists during the almond tree blooming period. Additionally, several cities and towns hold harvest-related almond festivals, supporting local producers and emphasizing the economic and cultural value of almonds.

On this special day, various almond-based delicacies such as almond paste, almond milk, and almond flour recipes are highlighted. Additionally, since it is the blooming period for almond trees, nature walks and agricultural activities may also be organized.

Almond Day is not just about celebrating a food; it also aims to raise awareness about healthy eating and sustainable agriculture. In addition to the health effects of almonds, environmentally friendly farming practices and organic almond cultivation are among the key topics of this day.