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Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 What Should be Considered When Choosing Probiotics?

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (English) Lecturer Münevver Başak ONAT stated what should be considered when choosing probiotics.

Probiotics and Health Benefits

In 2001, a specialist team members of the World Health Organzation and Food and Agriculture Organization
 defined probiotics. This definition is like this: “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.”. There are lots of studies focused on these health benefits and showed the result that probiotics and their use are promising us a future about these main topics: rearranging the gut flora and health; strengthening the immune system; anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antimicrobial activities; cancer and obesity studies and nervous system studies.

Sources of Probiotics

It is possible to take natural probiotics with our foods with sources like fermented; dairy products, fruits and vegetables or soy etc. But also today we are producing probiotics in laboratories too. These products are sold with the label of "food supplement" in our country. These products can contain different probiotic species and their combinations, also they can be presented with prebiotics. Their live microorganism numbers make these products desirable for modern people who can’t always consume a healthy and balanced diet because of their working places and hours; and also for industrial societies.  Also having alternative forms of capsules, powders and tablets which are easy ways for consumption are pros for consumers because they are providing time saving.

Ideal Characteristics of Probiotics

According to Attri et al. (2021) an ideal probiotic should have these characteristics:

·         Non-patogenic.
·         Lactic acid producer.
·         Production of antimicrobial substances.
·         Adherence to gut lining.
·         Genetically stable.
·         Safety in food and clinical use.
·         Susceptible for antibiotics.
·         Persistence in the human intestinal tract.
·         Antagonism against enteric pathogens.
·         Acid and bile tolerant.
Considerations When Choosing Probiotics

    According to all these information, during the purchasing phase consumers should be consider these: probiotic species and the side substances must be approved by health authorities, the probiotic product must contain species that will effect the health problem, the production technology must be suitable for the target tissues or systems, production and storage must be done in proper conditions. Also, consumers should be careful about; storing the products in an adequate heat and environment, consuming the product with recommended amounts and frequency and the hunger-satiety situation.