Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 Nutrition During Pandemic Period

Seyma Akbulut, a lecturer at Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (English), gave information about nutrition during the pandemic period.

Seyma Akbulut, lecturer at Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (English), attended the live broadcast of ''igurehberlik'' instagram account on 25.01.2021 at 20:00 and gave information about nutrition during the pandemic period.

Akbulut made the following statements:
''It is a conscious behavior to take the nutrients required by the body in adequate amounts and at appropriate times in order to protect and improve health and to increase the quality of life. Adequate and balanced nutrition is called the intake of foods as needed according to age, gender, physical activity and special situation. During the pandemic period, people should consume fresh and unprocessed foods, snacks, should not overcook vegetables and fruits, and should consume foods that support the immune system such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, kiwi, which are sources of vitamin C. They should prefer vegetables and fruits in their season. An average of 2 liters of water should be consumed daily. Our nutrition routine is effective in terms of mental health. Refined carbohydrates, sugar and saturated fatty acids disrupt the bacterial balance. 95% of serotonin is absorbed from the intestines. Serotonin; It is an important neurotransmitter produced by tryptophan found in foods such as seafood, banana, pineapple, plum, hazelnut, milk, spinach and eggs. Regulation of sleep and appetite control are among the serotonin functions and increased serotonin levels are associated with good mood. Probiotics, Omega-3, vitamin D supplements, fruit and vegetable consumption have positive effects on serotonin levels. It is important for our students to have breakfast regularly to improve their mental performance and increase their perceptions. In addition, balanced choices such as milk, eggs, cheese, whole grain bread, vegetable-fruit and vegetable-fruit juices should be made. Problems such as headache, carelessness, fatigue and low blood sugar may be encountered in the following hours during the lessons without breakfast. During the pandemic period, whenever possible, take-away food should not be eaten and low-fat cooked meals at home should be preferred.''

Lecturer Seyma Akbulut was thanked for her participation. The event ended after the questions from the participants were answered.