Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 Energy Deficiency in Athletes

An event titled "Energy Deficiency in Athletes" was organized by the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in Turkish and English sections of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Istanbul Gelisim University.

During the event, faculty members Lect. Dilara SERARSLAN YILMAZ and Lect. Zeynep Şeyda BİLİM from the Nutrition and Dietetics Department spoke about energy deficiency in athletes. The event began with a presentation by Lect. Zeynep Şeyda BİLİM, emphasizes the importance of energy intake in athletes for their health and performance. Lect. Dilara SERARSLAN YILMAZ then delivered a presentation on "Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport," an indicator of athletes' energy deficiency. The presentation covered the impact of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports on athletes' health and performance, risk groups, screening tests, and treatment methods. After listening to the contributions and questions from the participants, the discussion concluded with closing remarks from Asst. Prof. Halime PULAT DEMİR,  the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Asst. Prof. Ayşe Huri ÖZKARABULUT, Head of the Department.