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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 Dubai Chocolate may increase the type 2 diabetes risk in the long term!

Dubai chocolate, which has become widespread both in production and consumption in recent days, brings many health problems when consumed frequently. Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Asst. Prof. Merve Bayram explained the harms of Dubai chocolate and the aspects that threaten human health.

Dubai chocolate, which started to be produced with pistachios, tahini and roasted kadayif (oven baked shredded pastry with pistachio filling in thick syrup angel’s hair dessert), has turned into a consumption frenzy with the effect of the posts on social media platforms. However, Dubai chocolate, which attracts consumers with its appearance and taste, is not as innocent as it seems. Regarding chocolate, which has become widespread in a short time, Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Asst. Prof. Merve Bayram made significant statements.

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