Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 Body Satisfaction in Dietitians

The conversation titled "Body Satisfaction in Dietitians" was held by the Nutrition and Dietetics Turkish and English Departments of Faculty of Health Sciences Istanbul Gelişim University.

In the conservation held for the students of the Nutrition and Dietetics Turkish and English Departments, Department Lecturer Münevver Başak ONAT and Department Research Assistant Tuğba TÜRKCAN talked about body satisfaction in dietitians.
The conservation started with the definition of body perception by Research Assistant Tuğba Türkcan and continued with the titles of body satisfaction, the effect of our body satisfaction on our daily lives, gender differences observed on our body satisfaction, the effect of peer and parent attitudes on our body perception and satisfaction.
In the continuation of the conversation, Lecturer Münevver Başak Onat made a presentation about the preliminary findings of a study she conducted with her students in the students English Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Istanbul Gelişim University, and talked about the ethnic and cultural differences in body satisfaction in dietitians and how this affects young dietitians' outlook on the future.
The conversation ended with listening to the contributions and questions of the participants and the closing speech of the Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Assistant Professor Ayşe Huri Özkarabulut.