Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Statement on March 8 event: "25% of women are still illiterate”

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yüksel, Chairman of the Association in Support of Contemporary Life (ÇYDD), met with university students and academicians at the 8 March International Women's Day Event. Hoping that March 8 would be a hope for a more equal life for all women exposed to inequality, Yüksel said, "25% of women in our country are still illiterate.”

ÇYDD Chairman Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yüksel was the guest of the 8 March International Women's Day Interview organized by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences. Speaking at the event moderated by Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra Tunçay, Yüksel said: “25% of women in our country are still illiterate.”


Giving information about the “Hand in Hand with Women” project carried out by ÇYDD, Yüksel said: “We hold online meetings with Anatolian women. We mentor primary school graduates to finish secondary school and high school with the “Hand in Hand with Women” project, a 6-week-long project that includes getting to know themselves, expressing themselves and acquiring hobbies.”


Stating that ÇYDD mostly provides scholarships to medical, nursing, teaching and engineering students, Yüksel said: “During the pandemic process, students received requests for their computer and tablet needs. In this sense, computers were purchased for 55 students at first. We set the goal of purchasing computers and tablets for 6 thousand students, and currently, computers and tablets are given to about 3 thousand students.”

The event ended with Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yüksel's talk about the work they carried out to reduce women's inequality in health, education, business life and in the parliament.