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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Nurse Elanur Vardar Provided Training on Breastfeeding Counseling via Digital Media

Digital media content creator and breastfeeding consultant Nurse Elanur Vardar provided training to students on the process of breastfeeding counseling via digital media in the "Women’s Health and Diseases Nursing" course. The training took place as part of a class led by Asst. Prof. Meltem Aslan.

During the training, Nurse Elanur Vardar shared information on how breastfeeding counseling can be delivered in a digital environment, the effective use of digital tools, and the challenges faced in this process. She highlighted the importance of breastfeeding counseling and emphasized the impact and advantages of digital media channels in this field. The students had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into breastfeeding counseling in digital settings, which they can apply in their future practices.

In her speech, Nurse Elanur Vardar said, “The videos I uploaded about breastfeeding counseling received great interest from mothers, which once again highlights the power of digital media in this field. Mothers are able to easily access the information they need from the comfort of their homes and get instant answers to their questions. Seeing this interest shows just how beneficial digital platforms can be, especially in a sensitive area like motherhood. The feedback and positive comments from the videos have proven how effective breastfeeding counseling through digital media can be.” She emphasized the importance of digital media in breastfeeding counseling.

This training was significant in demonstrating the role of digital media in the healthcare field and how breastfeeding counseling can be utilized more effectively through digital platforms.
