More than 20 different course contents are offered to high school students who are curious about university education and want to take their place on the online platform in the university lecture halls and classrooms. It is possible to participate in the "Open Door Courses" program, both individually and institutionally, on the university's website.
Speaking about the "Open Door Lessons" program, Chairman of the IGU Board of Trustees Abdülkadir Gayretli said, "We organize a special event in order to help high school students learn about the quality of education at Istanbul Gelişim University and most importantly, determine the areas suitable for them. Dear students, it will make us happy you to see the lessons on our campus up close. For this purpose, we want you to be our guest by opening the doors of the courses held within our faculties and schools.”
The courses to be given within the scope of the program are listed as follows:
“Deontoloji ve Etik (Deontology and Ethics), Protetik Diş Tedavisi (Prosthodontics), Tüketici Davranışları (Consumer Behavior), E-Commerce, E-Ticaret (E-Commerce), Emotions And Understanding Of The Social World, Political Behavior, Consumer Behavior, Introduction To Philosophy- Why Philosophy?, Reklamcılıkta Fotoğraf Uygulamaları (Photography Applications in Advertising), Yaratıcı Yazarlık (Creative Writing), Career Planning In Aviation, Kişilerarası İletişim (Interpersonal Communication), Liderlik (Leadership), Ağ Teknolojileri (Network Technologies), Alçak Gerilim Sistemleri (Low Voltage Systems), Building Materials, Concrete Technologies, Deprem Mühendisliğine Giriş (Introduction to Earthquake Engineering), Görsel Programlama (Visual Programming), Haberleşme Sistemleri (Communication Systems), Highway Engineering, İnternet Programlama (Internet Programming), Karayolu Mühendisliği (Highway Engineering), Mimari Tasarım II (Architectural Design II), Nanoteknoloji (Nanotechnology), Physics II, Şifreleme (Encryption), Uçak Mühendisliği ve Tasarım (Aeronautical Engineering and Design), History of Architecture, Introduction to Earthquake Engineering, Steel Structures, Gastroturizm (Gastrotourism), İnsan Hakları ve Sosyal Hizmet (Human Rights and Social Work), Web Sitesi Tasarımı (Website Design), Hydrology.”