Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 IGU Department of Nursing Teaches High School Students How to Measure Blood Pressure in Winter School

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing organised an educational event for high school students within the scope of winter school. In the event, Asisst Prof. Mahruk RASHIDI and Research Assistant Esra ÖZER, students learnt how to measure blood pressure.

In the event attended by high school students interested in the field of health, the basic principles, correct techniques and clinical importance of measuring blood pressure were explained in detail. Thanks to the practical training, students had the opportunity to both gain theoretical knowledge and practice.

High school students participating in the event stated that they were very pleased to learn new information in the field of health and to have this experience. The academicians who carried out the training emphasised that such activities play an important role in raising students' health awareness.

IGU Faculty of Health Sciences aims to continue to raise awareness of high school students in the field of health with similar trainings in the future.