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Speech And Language Therapy

 Speech and Language are Different Concepts!

Tugba KARATOY, Lecturer in the Department of Speech and Language Therapy at Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, made explanations about the concepts of speech and language.

Humans have existed as social creatures throughout their lives and have had the need to communicate with each other. It has a transmission purpose on the basis of communication. If we open this transfer word, it is the emotions and thoughts that occur in an individual's brain. This emotion formed in the mind of the individual is to be able to use verbal and nonverbal communication models in order to convey thoughts. Nonverbal  communication models, in fact, include smiling to greet and waving when leaving an environment, which most of us use in our daily life. Verbal communication is called spoken language; It is divided into two parts as language and beyond language. In language communication, the focus is on "what people say", and in trans-language communication, "how they say" is focused. Along with the words, the tone, rhythm and emphasis of the message we transmit can also change the course of the message. In short, language; It includes a compromise-based system consisting of codes that symbolize our feelings and thoughts about the universe in order to realize a communication purpose. Even though we convey our thoughts and feelings through language, this emotion, which is formed in our minds, turns into speech, which is an action that includes the sounds that the person creates for a purpose by using organs such as tongue, lips, and chin, together with the air and tissue vibrations that the person shaped by using the lower and upper respiratory tract for oral language. Although language and speech seem to be intertwined concepts, they are two separate but complementary concepts that enable us to realize our communication purpose.