Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Speech And Language Therapy

 Seminar on Stuttering with Prof. Ahmet KONROT at the Department of Speech and Language Therapy

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Speech and Language Therapy organized a seminar titled "Understanding Stuttering" with the participation of Prof. Ahmet KONROT.

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Speech and Language Therapy hosted an important seminar for its students. In the seminar titled "Understanding Stuttering" given by Prof. Ahmet KONROT, the subject of stuttering was discussed in depth.
Prof. Ahmet KONROT provided comprehensive information about the development and therapy processes of stuttering. During the seminar, students had the opportunity to gain valuable information about the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of stuttering. In particular, enlightening information was shared on the different stages of stuttering and therapy approaches for individuals.
At the end of the seminar, the students thanked Prof. Ahmet KONROT and emphasized that the information they gained was of great importance for their professional development. As Istanbul Gelisim University, we would like to thank Prof. Ahmet KONROT for sharing his valuable knowledge with our students.