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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Speech And Language Therapy

 May 10-16 Disability Week Symposium

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Speech and Language Therapy held an event on May 11, 2023, between 20.00 and 23:30. Prof. Dr. A. Sanem ŞAHLI,  Assist. Dr. Çiğdem ERYILMAZ CANLI, Lecturer Seda KETEN, Lecturer Büşra SAYIR,  Res. Asst. Beyza Aslı BİLSEL and Aysun ÇALKAYA took part as speakers at the Disability Week Symposium.

Moderated by Res. Asst. Azize KÖSEOĞLU, the program started with a high number of student participants. Approaches to individuals with disabilities from the perspectives of speech and language therapists, audiologists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists were shared.
Our first guest, Prof. Dr. A. Sanem ŞAHLI shared her presentation titled "Understanding Individuals with Disabilities" with us. Then asst. Prof. Çiğdem ERYILMAZ CANLI, "Language and Speech Therapy Approaches in Individuals with Disabilities", Lecturer Seda KETEN, "Audiology Approaches in Individuals with Disabilities", Lecturer Büşra SAYIR, "Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Approaches in Individuals with Disabilities" and Res. Asst. Beyza Aslı BİLSEL presented "Occupational Therapy Approaches in Individuals with Disabilities" and then we got to know our valuable guest Aysun ÇALKAYA with hearing loss and listened to her success story.
Our event, which aims to raise awareness, ended with answering the questions of our Speech and Language Therapy department students. We would like to thank our esteemed professors for their presentations, our guest, Aysun ÇALKAYA, and our dear students for their participation.
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