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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Speech And Language Therapy

 Hikmet Boran: Doctor Hikmet (1901-1945)

Hikmet Boran, aka Doctor Hikmet, was born in 1901 in Balikesir. He completed his higher education at the Medical School. He played a leading role in the demonstrations held in the school dominated by the British occupiers. When he was in the third year of the university, he was elected as a representative for Sivas Congress and went to Sivas. He was one of the three delegates from Istanbul to the Sivas Congress. He became known for his anti-mandate speech to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk at this congress:

"Pasha, the medical professionals I am a member of have sent me here to participate in the work towards achieving our independence cause. I cannot accept the mandate. If there are those who will accept, we will strongly reject them, whoever they are. For example, if you accept the idea of buffalo, we will reject you too. If such a thing happens, we will not call Mustafa Kemal the savior of the homeland."

Upon this speech, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk responded with the following words:

"Friends, look at the youth; Pay attention to the expression of the noble blood within the Turkish national body! Young people, all the hope and future of the homeland are connected to you, the understanding and energy of the young generations." After he said, "Son; be of good cheer. I take pride in youth and trust in youth. Even if we are in the minority, we will not accept the mandate. Our password is unique and does not change: Either independence or death! ”

Grand National Assembly of Turkey was founded in Ankara on 23 April 1920. Afterwards, Hikmet Boran and his friend Yusuf Balkan left their medical education and went to Ankara together. Two of them took part in vaccination studies against typhus epidemic at the Military Hospital in Cebeci. Because of this success, Hikmet Boran was given the rank of Lieutenant. He served in the Great Offensive in 1922 as a Medic Officer.

After the National Struggle, he returned to Istanbul to complete his medical education. After 1923 he worked as a General Surgeon. Afterwards, he worked voluntarily in Sarıkamış in 1940. During this duty, he caught tuberculosis and returned to Istanbul for treatment. Unfortunately, he could not regain his health. Hikmet Boran passed away in Istanbul in 1945. He left behind a life full of sincerity, faith, and struggle, as well as services to be remembered with gratitude.