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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Speech And Language Therapy

 Assessment and Therapy in Preschool Language Disorders

A seminar on "Assessment and Therapy in Preschool Language Disorders" was held by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Speech and Language Therapy Department and Student Club with the participation of Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Beyza KİBAR.

A seminar on "Assessment and Therapy in Preschool Language Disorders" was held on 27 December 2021 by the Department and Student Club of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Istanbul Gelişim University. Attending the event as a speaker, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Beyza KİBAR conveyed information about language disorders seen in the pre-school period to our students.
"Language is a set of rules used to share our feelings and thoughts. The most important condition for language acquisition is communication. Language disorders are characterized by a delay in comprehension, expression, reading and writing. In the process of evaluating language disorders, it is important to know the normal developmental stages. An evaluation made only with standardized tests is not correct."
“What is the reason for the child's application? What is the problem situation with the medical definition? When did it appear? Is it always present? Did it appear suddenly or gradually? Is there any drug use? Has he had a middle ear infection between the ages of 0-2?” She emphasized that such questions should definitely be considered.

Beyza KİBAR continued her speech as follows;
“An individualized therapy program is made according to the needs of the child. Evaluation is very important in this respect. Basic Rule: We should prepare the environment where children can develop language. We should shape the environment in which the child grows up and the people around him according to the environment in which children can acquire language.” 
Finally, giving detailed information on therapy approaches, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Beyza KİBAR ended her speech after answering the questions from the students who attended the seminar. Speech and Language Therapy Department Chairman Asst. Prof. Dr. Emrah TÜNCER, Asst. Prof. Dr. Turgay DAĞTEKİN, Lect. Betül ÖZSOY TANRIKULU and Res. Asst. Rumeysa Nur AKBAŞ thanked Beyza KİBAR for this seminar.
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