Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Speech And Language Therapy

 "Bilingualism from the Perspective of Language and Speech Therapist: Basic Principles" Seminar

Organized by the Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Language and Speech Therapy Club and attended by Expert Language and Speech Therapist Seda ESERSİN as a speaker, the event named "Bilingualism from the Perspective of Language and Speech Therapist: Basic Principles" will be held on Wednesday, May 26 at 18.00 on Google It will be carried out via Meet. All faculty members and students of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences are invited to our seminar.

Participation link: meet.google.com/uan-pbjg-uaf
"Dil ve Konuşma Terapisti Perspektifinden İki Dillilik: Temel Prensipler" Semineri