On March 26, 2021, the activity of the Social Work Club named "YEDAM and Multidisciplinary Work" was held between 14:00 and 15:00. Psychologist Berna Baltacı and Social Worker Kasım Yazıcı attended the event moderated by Lecturer Betül Çolak. Berna Baltacı, who briefly talked about herself at the event, then gave information about what the Green Crescent Consultancy Center is and which problem areas are dealt with. Psychologist Baltacı, who mentioned that services are provided within the framework of the “Yedam Model”, which is a multidisciplinary working model in terms of treatment and counseling in the fields of alcohol and substance addiction, explained the psychosocial treatment plans and personalized intervention programs. Baltacı left the floor to Yazıcı after briefly mentioning the social adaptation programs, which include the social review assessment and intervention plans carried out by social workers.
Yazıcı, who mentioned the "Yedamsoft" application that enables all interventions such as clinical initial interview, examination, analysis to be carried out over a single system, stated that an effective service framework is carried out by gathering the whole process under a single roof in multidisciplinary studies. Kasım Yazıcı stated that the biopsychosocial intervention process in Yedam Center consists of medical intervention, social support intervention and mental intervention stages and that studies are carried out with individuals, families and groups. After conveying that social service support was provided with clients, field visits, works with families and mentors, Yazıcı mentioned that there are "Yedam" centers in almost every province in our country. In this model, where it is aimed to ensure cooperation at micro, mezzo and macro levels while working with individuals in this respect, he mentioned a process where individuals' leisure time is spent with the Green Crescent Consultancy Center workshops, studies are carried out to acquire a profession and at the same time, it is tried to keep people away from risky environments. Social worker Kasım Yazıcı and Psychologist Berna Baltacı underlined the importance of stating with the words “Addiction is both a brain and family illness.” that the client and family system is a process that should be considered together, and the activity was ended after answering the questions in this context.