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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

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 One can understand the fake honey in the laboratory!

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry spotted that some honeys sold with the label "natural honey" in grocery stores, markets and on the internet were fake. Dr. Eda Şensu Demir discussed the fake honey issue, which often comes up. Demir gave information about the contents of fake honeys offered for sale in order to mislead the consumer and to make unfair profits. She explained the ways to understand which of the honeys on the market are fake and which are real/natural. Evaluating the fake honey news that has been frequently on the agenda recently, Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School Food Technology Program Lecturer Eda Şensu Demir stated: "Fake honey can lead to digestive system disorders, headaches and diseases such as obesity, hyperglycemia and liver and kidney damage in the long term." Speaking about the methods of distinguishing fake honey, Demir said that the only sure way to distinguish fake honey from natural one is through laboratory analysis.