Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Turkish-English Departments, within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility, hosted Dr. Simona DACIANA BIRSAN on 03.05.2023. Dr. Birsan continues her academic life as a lecturer at Ordea University in Romania, Faculty of Medicine and Department of Medical Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. In addition, she provides consultation to patients who are having rheumatologic illnesses at the Clinical Rehabilitation Hospital Felix Spa. Within the scope of the mobility, first of all, Istanbul Gelisim University, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Rıfat MUTUŞ, and then Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean Assoc. Prof. S. Arda ÖZTÜRKCAN held separate meetings with Dr. Birsan and talked about possible future partnerships between institutions. Afterward, under the leadership of Assist. Prof. Gülşah KONAKOĞLU, Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Turkish-English Department, and the other lecturers and members of the department had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Birsan. Ideas were exchanged for areas of expertise, joint projects, and future studies. The classrooms of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Laboratories were toured to our guests and at the end of the mobility, Dr. Birsan's informative training called 'Rehabilitation in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis' was held on the subject of rehabilitation in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis pathologies, which are common in the world and our country.