Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation (English)

 The new obsession of the technology age: Digital Hoarding

With the age of technology, digital hoarding has also been added to the hoarding disease known as Compulsive Spooling Disease. Psychiatrist Onur Okan Demirci, who said that everything that is kept "maybe just because it works" and not erased on computers or mobile phones is slowly dragging you to digital hoarding, the main reason may be the lack of self-confidence.


Stating that digital hoarding, which appears as a new definition, is not much different from normal hoarding, Onur Okan Demirci started his speech as follows: “Spooling is actually a psychological action performed as a relaxing behavior. We call hoarding as a situation of hoarding a set of objects that we are unable to assign in our normal lives, that we think may work later, or to protect ourselves, whether it will work when we encounter any action that may happen to us later. Unfortunately for some people, this accumulation reaches the highest level and people start to spend hours, days, even years on this action. This situation brings with it many serious difficulties in their normal lives, and may even lead people to depression or situations where they cannot get out of work.”

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