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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Occupational Therapy

 We attended the Congress of Innovative Approaches in Occupational Therapy

As part of the IGU Occupational Therapy family, we participated in a congress where the friendships among our occupational therapy students were strengthened, while also enhancing knowledge, awareness, and competence in the field of Occupational Therapy.

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The congress, titled "Innovative Approaches in Occupational Therapy: Knowledge, Innovation, and Social Impact," held at Medipol University, was attended by Research Assistant Hülya Yaman, Research Assistant Beyza Aslı Bilsel, and our department's students. The event was chaired by Asst. Prof. Çağıl Ertürk, a faculty member of IGU's Occupational Therapy Department.

çağıl hoca

During the congress, whose main theme revolved around "Knowledge, Innovation, and Social Impact," discussions centered on the developments and current approaches to Occupational Therapy in evaluation and treatment, aligned with scientific and technological advancements. Our research assistants delivered oral presentations on the topics of "Time Use and Occupational Diversity of Young People" and "The Relationship Between Activity Self-Perceptions," which they jointly conducted.

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