Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Occupational Therapy

 TÜBİTAK 4008 Project: Inclusive Society Practices for Individuals with Special Needs Information Meeting Held

Our project application under the TÜBİTAK 4008 Inclusive Society Practices for Individuals with Special Needs Support Program, titled "Nature-Based Learning: Journey to Green with Explorers Diagnosed with ASD," with Istanbul Gelisim University as one of the stakeholders, has been accepted. The Introduction Meeting of the "Nature-Based Learning - Journey to Green with ASD Explorers" Project was Held with the Participation of District Governor Fatih Çobanoğlu and District Director of National Education Tayfun Özyolcu.

Information Meeting for the TÜBİTAK 4008 Project on Inclusive Society Practices for Individuals with Special Needs Held

An information meeting for the project titled "Nature-Based Learning - Journey to Green with ASD Explorers," conducted within the scope of the TÜBİTAK 4008 project aiming at comprehensive societal practices for individuals with special needs, was held with the participation of District Governor Mr. Fatih Çobanoğlu and District Director of National Education Mr. Tayfun Özyolcu.

During the meeting, detailed information was provided to the project team and stakeholders about the project's goals, activities, and expected outcomes. Participants were enlightened on how individuals with special needs can be supported through nature-based learning approaches.


Purpose and Scope of the Project

The "Nature-Based Learning - Journey to Green with ASD Explorers" project aims to enhance the social and cognitive development of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by increasing their interaction with nature. The project plans to organize various nature activities, workshops, and educational programs to provide different learning experiences for individuals with ASD.

Content of the Meeting

The meeting began with opening speeches by District Governor Fatih Çobanoğlu and District Director of National Education Tayfun Özyolcu, followed by a detailed presentation by the project manager. The presentation included information about the project's objectives and planned activities. The project's operational process, the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, potential challenges, and proposed solutions were discussed.

Participants and Collaborations

In addition to the project team and stakeholders, educators, special education experts, parents, and volunteers attended the meeting. Participants shared their views and suggestions about the project, expressing their commitment to working together in cooperation and solidarity.

Future Steps of the Project

At the end of the meeting, information was provided about the schedule and implementation plan for the activities to be carried out within the project. The project team expressed their aim to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to best guide individuals with ASD on their nature-based learning journey.

District Governor Fatih Çobanoğlu and District Director of National Education Tayfun Özyolcu emphasized the importance of such projects for all segments of society and stated their continued support.

The meeting concluded with a Q&A session and an exchange of views. The project team and stakeholders expressed their enthusiasm and motivation to continue their work for the upcoming activities.