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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Occupational Therapy

 "Neurodevelopmental Yoga"

An event on "Neurodevelopmental Yoga" was held by the Occupational Therapy Department of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, with the participation of Occupational Therapist Ayşenur DEMİR ÖZAN

An event on "Neurodevelopmental Yoga" was held on March 3, 2022 by the Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelişim University. Occupational Therapist and Neurodevelopmental Yoga Instructor Ayşenur DEMİR ÖZAN, who participated in the event as a speaker, shared general information about the functioning of the human brain and body in neurodevelopmental yoga and its importance in occupational therapy.

She stated that neurodevelopmental yoga, unlike other yoga styles, offers an approach that is based on universal foundations, and also mentioned that exercise science, neuroscience studies, postural development principles, sensory systems and motor control approaches form the foundations of neurodevelopmental yoga.


Occupational Therapist Ayşenur DEMİR ÖZAN “Neurodevelopmental yoga combines the ancient holistic perspective of yoga practice with the universal scientific principles of today's movement science, connecting the old with the new, the traditional with the modern, the esoteric with the scientific, revealing a completely new and original approach. As the evolution of yoga in the 21st century, neurodevelopmental yoga is therefore more than conventional yoga.” as stated.

At the end of the presentation, students discussed with Ayşenur DEMİR ÖZAN about the neurodevelopmental yoga training of occupational therapists.


Occupational Therapy Department Research Assistant Selen AYDÖNER presented our guest with a certificate of appreciation and thanked her for the important information she shared.
