Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Occupational Therapy

 Exercises from the specialist to strengthen immunity

Stating that the immune system is impaired due to being inactive during the pandemic process, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk Saçaklı said, “Not exercising increases the negative factors of coronavirus in the body.”

Stating that the immune system is impaired due to being inactive during the pandemic process, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk Saçaklı said, “Not exercising increases the negative factors of coronavirus in the body.”

Stating that light exercises should be done in order to keep the immune system strong, Quality Life Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haluk Saçaklı from Istanbul Gelisim University said: “While light exercises strengthen our immune system, exercises with high intensity can harm our immunity contrary to what is known. As the intensity of the sport increases, the rate of some waste materials accumulating in the muscles begins to increase in parallel. These waste materials that accumulate in our body naturally cause our immune system to collapse.”

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