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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nursing (English)

 Spotlights, My Future Profession

Head of Nursing (English) Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. Funda KARAMAN became a guest on January 5th, 2021 at Live broadcast series, newly launched by Istanbul Gelisim University via Instagram called “ Spotlights”.

New live broadcast series "Spotlights" created by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) hosted valuable academicians and shared important information with the participants in a pleasant conversation. In the live broadcast which was moderated by IGU Counseling Specialist Kemal ALIOGLU, Asst. Prof. Dr. Funda KARAMAN shared important information with her experiences in the nursing profession.

KARAMAN, who started by answering the question asked by ALIOĞLU regarding the definition of the nursing profession, said, “Currently, I work as a Lecturer member and head of department, but I have 8 years of nursing experience with very good memories”. She continued saying “Nursing is a professional occupation that includes human love, compassion and devotion, kneaded with knowledge and skills. Nursing involves the planning, implementation, supervision and monitoring of patient care and so for this purpose, focusing on protecting and improving the health of the individual, family and society. It has been understood how important our profession is in today's pandemic conditions. "

When ALIOĞLU asked why she chose the nursing profession, KARAMAN said, “All of my preferences were Nursing Department. I never had doubts about my desire to choose and perform this profession. I care about people, I love helping and keeping in touch with them in all these things.” She continued answering “Apart from these, I thought that I had a lot of job opportunities and I would not be unemployed. Nursing profession will continue as long as humanity exists. At the same time, I thought that I could constantly improve myself and learn new things in my profession.”

Referring to the fears about choosing a nursing profession, ALIOGLU asked questions about the adaptation process and working conditions and difficulties. KARAMAN “Students who want to do the nursing profession should be self-sacrificing and patient. Since communication is very important in our profession, communication skills must be strong. I can see that some of our students are anxious, but with the practices and experiences over time, all conditions are got used to and being adapted.”

Asking questions about nursing lessons and their work areas, ALIOGLU asked for detailed information about the curriculum content and the areas in which nurses can work. “We have practised main courses such as Basic Principles and Practices in Nursing, Internal Diseases Nursing, Surgical Diseases Nursing, Women's Health and Diseases Nursing, Education in Nursing, Nursing Management, Children’s Health and Disease Nursing, Mental Health and Disease Nursing and Public Health Nursing. In this regard, our curriculum was prepared with great care. Apart from these, Anatomy etc. in addition to the important courses they need to take, we also have elective courses specific to the field such as Intensive Care Nursing.” saying so KARAMAN, shared information by explaining the width of the working areas and job opportunities of the nursing profession.

KARAMAN gave examples about working areas such Hospitals within the University, Insurance Companies, State Hospitals, Private Health Institutions, Community Health Centers, Elderly Care Homes, etc., and finally answered the questions of the participants.