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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Nursing (English)

 Interview with our Graduates on Professional Life

Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Club brought together the graduates and students of Nursing Department in the event they planned. Graduates of Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Department which are Res. Asst. Sultan CAKMAK, RN. Muhammet ELCI and RN. Gamze TALIPOGLU GULER, shared their experiences with the students. 85 students attended the event which is held online on December 25, 2020.

Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Department 3rd grade student and also Vice President of Nursing Club Yaren ARAS started the event with information about the activities and memberships of the Nursing Club in the fields of health and sociocultural, and she handed it over to Nursing Club Consultant Asst. Prof. Dr. Funda KARAMAN.

Nursing Club consultant Asst. Prof. Dr. Funda KARAMAN made the opening speech of the event and emphasized the importance of the event by conveying that there will be an atmosphere where graduates and students can easily communicate, thus gaining new perspectives.

RN. Gamze TALIPOGLU GULER, who is a graduate of Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Department, started her speech by saying “I have recently been a student at Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing undergraduate program just like you. I graduated from the spring semester of 2018. As of September 2020, I continue my journey as a student in the Children’s Health and Disease Nursing Master's program at a private university.”, and expressed her happiness to get a chance to meet the students at this event.

Talking about the pandemic process and its effects, GULER made explanations about the selection of the working area after graduation. GULER said “I started to make job applications after graduation. I wanted to work actively in the field. The best part of being a nurse is that as long as humanity exists, we never have to worry about being unemployed. All the hospitals that I applied returned without exception, and I started my nursing duty in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a private University Hospital since I thought it would gain more information and experience to me.”

GULER continued her speech by saying "Managing the nursing process in the field, touching the patients lives and providing care as a nurse is a very valuable and satisfying process.”, and gave detailed information about her transition to the field of Workplace Nursing and its stages.

RN. Muhammet ELCI, who is a graduate of Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Department, started his speech after GULER by saying “I am one of the students who studied at the Nursing Department of Istanbul Gelisim University between 2012-2016.". He shared his experiences about friendly atmosphere, effective communication, support of academicians and well-equipped education within the university.

Sharing the difficulties he faced as a male nurse after graduation, ELCI talked about the multitude of job opportunities and the reference support of the lecturers in job selection. He continued his speech by saying "I tried to improve myself more in hospitals where I worked, beside the well-equipped education and practical experiences I received during my education.", also gave information about the hospitals and departments where he worked.

Mentioning the importance of the proffesion, ELCI said “You can have any profession in the world. You can be a prosecutor, judge, architect or teacher. The mistakes you make take a certain period from people's lives. If you become a nurse, you can take irreversible paths in any application you did wrong. It is necessary to have this awareness.", he also conveyed that there will be no problems in private or public hospitals, regardless of the institution, with professional ethical values, principles, knowledge and experience.

Sultan CAKMAK, who is a Research Assistant of Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Department, started her speech after ELCI and she introduced herself. CAKMAK said “I had achieved IGU Nursing Department with full scholarship. I graduated as the top student of the department and high honor student.”, and she gave the details of the academic process.

Providing detailed information about the differences between field nursing and being an academician, CAKMAK also shared what needs to be learned during the academic journey and her experiences regarding the preparation phase. She also shared her experiences regarding the preparatory phase and what should be learned during her academic journey. She continued by saying “First years are tough ones at each professions beginning. We can never fully trust ourselves, but we must always be open to innovations and learning.”, and she shared information for the master process in Turkey.

CAKMAK, who completed her master's degree in Public Health Nursing program, gave information about public health fields and goals. CAKMAK, who also benefited from the Double Major Program in her studentship, shared the opportunities in the education and training processes. Referring to the points that students should pay attention to improve themselves during the education period, CAKMAK explained the education and practice scope of Istanbul Gelisim University Nursing Department.

Speaking about the necessity of a foreign language (English) in field nursing and academics regardless of the institution or position, the speakers (Res. Asst. Sultan CAKMAK, RN. Muhammet ELCI and RN. Gamze TALIPOGLU GULER) emphasized the indispensable importance of English knowledge in professional and personal development, internationalization and many other important issues in the nursing profession.

In the event, which is detailed information was given about all the institutions where nurses could work, and experiences were shared, students participated intensively. Graduates of Istanbul Gelisim University answered the questions of the participating students. The event ended after Mahsum SIGINC’s speech of thanks, who is President of Nursing Club.