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Nursing (English)

 Breast milk reduces obesity risk in infants at a later age

To emphasize the importance of breast milk and breastfeeding, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year between 1-7 August under the World Health Organization's and UNICEF's leadership. Istanbul Gelisim University Public Health Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurten Elkin stated that breastfeeding is beneficial for both the mother and baby since it reduces the risk of many diseases such as obesity that may occur in infants at later ages.

In the process of brain development that begins in the mother's womb and continues from birth to the end of the age of two, nutrition is of great importance for growth and development in ideal conditions, and for the acquisition and maintenance of child health.


Breastfeeding, which plays an essential role in the development of the first bond between mother and baby, has also critical importance for growth and development to be in ideal conditions. Asst. Prof. Dr.Nurten Elkin, Public Health Specialist of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Health Sciences, stated the following:

“About 1.5 million children die annually from acute malnutrition. Worldwide, 20% of deaths under the age of 5 are preventable with appropriate nutritional interventions. Undernutrition in pregnant and infants accounts for more than 10% of the global burden of disease. Breast milk is an ideal and natural food that cannot be replaced in infant nutrition. It contains all the energy and nutrients necessary for the healthy growth and development of the baby. At the same time, breastfeeding provides many developmental, psychological, social and economic benefits to the baby and mother. Breast milk supports cognitive development in infants, reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke seen in later ages.
Early breastfeeding has protective advantages that last up to six months after the baby is born. Therefore, breast milk alone for the first 6 months and breast milk supplemented with additional nutrients in the period up to 24 months is of great importance for infant nutrition and health.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurten Elkin made suggestions to support breast milk. She also emphasized that for these methods, a suitable environment should be provided for the mother and the baby. Suggestions are as follows:

  • From the beginning of pregnancy, all expectant mothers should be informed and motivated that they can feed their babies with breast milk.
  • After birth, breastfeeding mothers should eat well and stay away from fatigue and stress.
  • They should ask for assistance from family and friends so that they can have a regular lifestyle, including sleep.
  • Appropriate environments should be provided for breastfeeding mothers in social areas such as shopping malls, restaurants and workplaces so that society understands that breastfeeding is a natural, easiest and healthy feeding method for the baby.
  • Breastfeeding consultants and health professionals should support the mother who has any problems related to breastfeeding technique or breastfeeding.