Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Healthcare Management

 “Child Sexual Abuse and Psycho-Social Approaches Training” was held by IGU

“Child Sexual Abuse and Psycho-Social Approaches Training” was held by Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School of Health Services for Child Development Program instructors and students. In the event organized to raise awareness, training was given by Asst. Prof. Dr. Bülent Tansel, from the Department of Psychology. Dr. Tansel stated that the most significant point to be made about preventing sexual abuse against children is to be informed and conscious about it. “Child Sexual Abuse and Psycho-Social Approaches Training” was planned by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Continuing Education Center and lasted for two days, was held on 1-2 June 2023 at IGU Mehmet Akif Ersoy Conference Hall.

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