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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Healthcare Management

 “Communication with Healthcare Professionals” Event was Held

The event called "Communication with Healthcare Professionals" organized by Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, was held on December 5, 2023. Valuable speakers Asst. Prof. Mustafa METE and Patient Relations Specialist Serap YILMAZ attended the event.

The event started with the opening speech of Health Management Department Head Asst. Prof. Bumin Çağatay AKSU. After the opening speech, Patient Relations Specialist Serap Yılmaz conveyed her 20 years of field experience to the students with the presentation she prepared. Stating that the most important point in communication with the patient is listening, Yılmaz stated that listening to the patient sincerely is the best key to solving problems.

The event continued with the presentation of Asst. Prof. Mustafa Mete. Mete started his presentation by emphasizing the importance of communication with Yunus Emre's quote "Words can End War". During his presentation, Mete shared his experiences in his 33-year management career with the students and emphasized that effective communication should be one of the primary characteristics a manager should have. In his presentation, Mete explained with real-life examples what the consequences of not having health managers at the head of health institutions would be, and completed his presentation by answering the questions from the students

The event ended with Health Management Department Head Asst. Prof. Bumin Çağatay AKSU and Department Deputy Head Asst. Prof. Aslı Kaya presented plaques to the speakers and thanked them for their presentations and the important information they shared.