At the Conference held in Geneva in 1925 with the participation of 54 countries, the Geneva Declaration on the Protection of Children was accepted. Then started to be celebrated as World Children's Day on the first Monday of October. Convention on the Rights of the Children, which was prepared to eliminate negative conditions and provide them with a better life, has been adopted by 191 countries.
The main articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child:
Definition of Child (Article 1): Anyone under the age of 18 is defined as a child.

Principle of Equality (Article 2): This declaration applies equally to all children, regardless of other distinguishing characteristics such as race, language, religion.
Considering the Benefits of Children (Item 3): Families should make decisions by considering the interests of children in the foreground.
Right to Life (Article 6): Children have the right to a healthy life and this right is guaranteed by the state.
Valuing Children's Thoughts and Opinions (Item 12): Families are constantly making decisions about their children. However, they should also consider the opinions of their children when making these decisions. This should not mean that children make their parents do whatever they want. However, children should also have the right to express their views freely.
The Convention on the Rights of the Children was signed and ratified by Turkey. In order for Convention on the Rights of the Children to be implemented in the best way, the Children's Rights Committee was established by the United Nations to follow the developments regarding children's rights in these member countries.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is a leader who loves and values children. He gifted April 23, the first children's day in the world, not only to children in Turkey, but also to all children in the world.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's words for children:
“Little ladies, little gentlemen! You are all a rose, star and light of prosperity of the future. You are the ones to smother the country in light. Thinking how important and valuable you are and work accordingly. We expect a lot from you.”
“Children should be protected from all kinds of neglect and abuse; they should be treated more privately than adults under any circumstances.”
“Children's love is a need for human love.”
“Great achievements are made with the help of outstanding children raised by precious mothers.”
“Children are the assurance of our future, our joy of living. It is our human duty to raise today's child as tomorrow's grown-up."
When we look at the other beautiful words said for children on World Children's Day;
*Children are not naughty. They are just children.
*Children need good examples more than advice. (Joseph Jounbent)
*Children are like freshly poured concrete. Whatever passes makes a mark. (Joseph Jounbent)
*The greatest help a father can do to his children is to love their mother. (Theodore Hesburg)
*Children are the flowers of the earth. Children are the hope of humanity with their loving hearts.
* The smell of children is the smell of heaven. (Hz. Muhammad)

As it is known, children constitute the most vulnerable part of the society and they are the most affected by the negative conditions experienced. It is necessary to act in accordance with the principles and provisions of the contract in the decisions and practices to be made regarding the child. It is important to provide training on children's rights for both children and adults. Children need to know their own rights and adults need to know their rights and support children in this regard and recognize their rights.