Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Child Development

 The event was held as UNESCO's International Day Against Violence, Bullying and Cyberbullying at School.

The event organized by Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development (Tr) Department on 04.11.2021 on "Peer Violence and Bullying in Schools" was attended by Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Pınar Vural.

The member states of UNESCO declared the first Thursday of November as the International Day against Violence and Bullying in Schools, Including Cyberbullying. It was adopted unanimously by 193 Member States at the 40th General Conference of UNESCO today. UNESCO's "Behind the Numbers: Ending school violence and bullying" research, published in 2019 and conducted in 144 countries, highlighted the extent of the problem by showing that almost one in three students worldwide had been bullied at least once in the previous month.

Prof. Dr. Pınar Vural talked about the definition and types of bullying behavior. VURAL said '' Bullying is cyclical, the bully initiates the behavior, the victim remains cowardly and passive. She stated that if she does not get help, it will cause more people to participate in the bullying behavior. ''

VURAL said '' Bullying children are physically stronger than their peers, their empathy skills are not developed. She said they are generally of an aggressive and impulsive nature. She stated that in bullying behavior, the victim experiences feelings such as shock, fear, anger, inadequacy, guilt, pain, sadness, anxiety and regret.''

In her speech, Prof. Dr. Pınar Vural talked about what the victim should do about bullying, what is known to be true, and what should be done in terms of mental health. 
The event ended with the questions of the participants and the contributions of our Deputy Dean Assistant Professor A. Yüksel Barut.