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Child Development

 Parents received training on domestic violence

Head of Department of Child Development (English), Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University, Assoc. Dr. Ebru KOLSAL, Dr. Berrak Dumlupınar, Inst. See. Buse Kerigan and Research Assistant Çağla Duran met with parents on a zoom meeting.

Head of Department of Child Development (English), Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelişim University, Assoc. Dr. Ebru KOLSAL, Assist.Prof.Dr. Berrak Dumlupınar, Inst. See. Buse Kerigan and Research Assistant Çağla Duran met with parents on a zoom meeting.
Assist.Prof.Dr.  Berrak Dumlupınar's speech, which started with the opening speech, continued with the speech of Buse Kerigan. Buse Kerigan talked about the family institution and talked about domestic violence, types of violence and its effects. 43% of children aged 7-18 were subjected to physical abuse, 51% to emotional abuse, and 25% to neglect. In the same report, 56% of children aged 7-18 were subjected to physical abuse, 49% to emotional abuse. Stating that 10% of them witnessed sexual abuse, Kerigan emphasized that children who were exposed to emotional violence are more aggressive, timid, do not enjoy doing business and feel insignificant. Kerigan ended her speech by giving suggestions to families and emphasizing the importance of I language.
After Kerigan, Research Assistant  Çağla Duran gave examples by telling about domestic violence and violence against children. Duran talked about the “domestic violence; "It can be seen in every social group regardless of age, education, religion, socio-economic status."  Research Assistant Çağla Duran continued by drawing attention to the types of violence and their effects on children. "Violence is a learned behavior, the child who witnesses the use of violence to provide discipline at home and at school sees it as a natural option when solving problems in adulthood."
Research Assistant Çağla Duran touched on the reflection of violence in the media on the family and added:
“Television and the Internet, in the simplest children's game sites and many digital games and news sites, appear in front of people intensely with elements of violence. The most dangerous effect of the media is that it causes desensitization of individuals against violence in real life and normalizes violence. Presenting power, aggression, violence as a model through media characters; It especially affects children and young people to see these behaviors as legitimate. "
Warning children about the use of social media, Research Assistant Çağla Duran said "Be sure to talk to children about the behavior, your feelings, the reason for the feeling, and organize activities to support children's self-control” and she ended her speech by making suggestions to the parents.
Research Assistant Çağla Duran and Inst. See. After Buse Kerigan answered the questions of the parents, Assist.Prof.Dr. Berrak Dumlupınar and Assoc. Dr. Ebru Kolsal made her closing speech and ended the training.