The event, held on April 30, 2024, between 14:00 and 16:00, was attended by students from the Faculty of Health Sciences. The event began with a speech by Asst. Prof. Nurten ELKİN, the Coordinator of The Fight Against Addiction Coordination and the Head of the Department of Child Development at Istanbul Gelisim University. Elkin addressed topics related to materials, sustainability, and health, then handed over the floor to the implementer of the event, Lecturer Bedriye Çelik Kanca. Çelik Kanca emphasized that especially Child Development students do not receive training on any developmental assessment tools during their courses and face significant challenges when they enter the field. However, she added that despite not receiving training on assessment tools, Child Development students receive comprehensive education on games and illustrated children's books. She emphasized that during the period before receiving training on developmental assessment tools, games and illustrated children's books are two important elements for getting to know and evaluating children. Additionally, she suggested that when giving recommendations to families, the socioeconomic level of the family should also be taken into account, and recommendations should be made accordingly.

She added that it is important to provide sustainable recommendations if the family can’t afford the recommended toy, emphasizing the value of sustainable materials. The students who attended the workshop designed non-existent objects, plants, animals, and toys with specific instructions using the materials brought by Çelik Kanca. The students stated that this workshop has supported their creative thinking skills, imagination, as well as their skills for empathy.