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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Child Development (English)

 Workshop Titled "Adolescents and Family" Held in Collaboration with the Addiction Prevention Coordination Unit and the Office of the Dean of Students

On December 12, 2024, the "Healthy Development Platform" event was organized in collaboration with the Addiction Prevention Coordination Unit and the Office of the Dean of Students. As part of the platform, a workshop titled "Adolescents and Family" was conducted.

The workshop began with an opening speech by Asst. Prof. Nurten Elkin, the head of the Department of Child Development. Academic staff members from the department, Research Assistants Hatice Zelal Bingöl and Aişe Büşra Ciğer, also attended the event. The workshop was facilitated by Research Assistant Kevser Tuğba Çınar Karasu, who shared valuable insights into adolescence and family-child relationships and conducted an interactive activity with participants.

Defining Adolescence and the Importance of Values

In the first part of the workshop, Çınar Karasu elaborated on the concept of adolescence and the physical, emotional, and social changes that individuals experience during this period. She highlighted the role of values in the lives of adolescents who are in a quest for identity. To help participants recognize their values and understand their reflections in life, she conducted a practical activity.

Discovering Self Through Personal Values

In the activity section of the event, Çınar Karasu distributed papers to each participant, each containing a variety of values. She asked them to select five values that they believed best defined them. Participants were then given the opportunity to explain what these values meant to them.

Next, Karasu asked the participants which of the five values they would like to be remembered for and to explain their reasoning. She then encouraged them to reflect on how they had applied these significant values in their lives over the past week, sharing examples from their experiences.

The event concluded with a questions and answers session, where participants expressed that the activity helped them gain awareness and think deeply about their values. Academic staff from the Department of Child Development emphasized that the workshop contributed significantly to the students' professional and personal development, expressing their support for the continuation of such events.

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