The event, held on May 14, 2024, between 14:00 and 16:00, commenced with a speech by Istanbul Gelisim University's The Fight Against Addiction Coordinator and Department Chair of Child Development, Assistant Professor Nurten ELKİN. Elkin touched upon creativity, creative thinking, and health topics, then handed over the floor to the workshop facilitator, Research Assistant Hatice Zelal BİNGÖL. With the active participation of students, the workshop focused on enhancing creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

The event began with Research Assistant Hatice Zelal BİNGÖL providing general theoretical information about the SCAMPER technique. After conveying the basic principles of the SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse) creative thinking method to the students, the workshop transitioned to the practical part. Bingöl distributed paper and pens to the students and asked them to draw or write the first thing that came to mind when they heard the word "Child." Then, each student passed their drawing or writing to the person next to them. After everyone shared their thoughts, what was written and drawn on the papers was read aloud, followed by a collective evaluation.
In the next stage, students were divided into groups of 5, and each group was shown a rake object. Within the framework of the SCAMPER technique, groups were tasked with answering various questions and evaluating the rake object from different perspectives. During this process, each group attempted to find creative and innovative answers to the given questions and wrote them down on a paper. After completing their work, one representative was selected from each group to present their findings to the other participants, enabling discussion and evaluation of different groups' approaches and solutions.
The SCAMPER Creativity Workshop contributed to students' development of creative thinking skills and provided an interactive learning environment. At the end of the event, Research Assistant Hatice Zelal BİNGÖL thanked all the students for their participation and emphasized the importance of creative thinking.