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Child Development (English)

 Child Development Lecturers Attended the DIR Floortime Introductory Training

The lecturers of the Department of Child Development attended the “Introduction to DIR Floortime Model Training”, which aims to meet the emotional and developmental needs of children, presented by Çiğdem Ergül at Istanbul Gelisim University.

Lecturers of the Department of Child Development attended the “Introduction to DIR Floortime Model Training” at Istanbul Gelisim University.

sThe training, organized by the Continuing Education Application and Research Center on May 17-18, 2024 at IGU Tusi Conference Hall, was attended by the lecturers from the Department of Child Development, Faculty of Health Sciences. Lecturer Bedriye Çelik Kanca, Res. Assist. Hatice Zelal Bingöl, Res. Assist. Rabia Ceren Ateş and Res. Assist. Şebnem Çelik participated in the training event. IGU students and faculty members showed great interest in the training, which was organized with the contributions of Audiology and Speech Disorders Specialist Çiğdem Ergül.

The DIR Floortime Model is recognized as a promising approach, especially for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other developmental disorders. The DIR Floortime Model is recognized as a valuable tool for professionals working in Child Development and many related fields, and trainings in this field contribute to children growing up as healthier and happier individuals. With this training, the lecturers of the Department of Child Development have gained important knowledge and experience in professional development.