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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Child Development (English)

 Article Workshop Held with Child Development Students

On December 11, 2024, at 3:45 PM, a workshop titled "Article Workshop" was conducted by Research Assistant Şebnem ÇELİK for students of the Child Development Department.

The workshop facilitator, Research Assistant Şebnem ÇELİK, introduced the session conducted with senior Child Development students by discussing which websites to utilize for article searches and which keywords to use during the search process. Subsequently, the title, keywords, abstract, and introduction of a selected article were analyzed and discussed. Definitions of quantitative and qualitative research methods, as well as the research method applied in the chosen article, were also covered.

After reading and discussing the introduction section of the article interactively with the students, the method and results sections were reviewed and debated. The workshop progressed based on student feedback and was designed to provide guidance for their future academic endeavors. Lecturer Berk Efe ALTINAL and Research Assistant Aişe Büşra CİĞER also participated in and contributed to the workshop.

At the end of the session, students' questions were addressed, and positive feedback was received from the participants.
