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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Child Development (English)

 A Workshop on "Peer Bullying" Held Within the Scope of the Healthy Development Platform

A workshop on "Peer Bullying" was organized under the Healthy Development Platform in collaboration with the Department of Child Development and the Student Dean's Office at Istanbul Gelişim University.

The event took place on November 14, 2024, between 14:00 and 15:00 on the 17th floor of IGU Tower. It began with a speech by Addiction Prevention Coordinator and Head of the Child Development Department, Dr. Nurten ELKIN. In her opening remarks, Dr. ELKIN discussed what peer bullying entails, its relationship with addictions, and its current impacts. She then handed the floor to the workshop instructor, Research Assistant Şebnem ÇELİK.

ÇELİK started the workshop by asking questions about peer bullying. After participants shared their thoughts on the topic, she defined peer bullying and discussed its psychological effects on children. She elaborated on the family dynamics of both children who engage in bullying and those who are victims. She explained methods for addressing peer bullying and emphasized the significant roles that teachers and professionals working with children play in this matter.

ÇELİK also highlighted that peer bullying occurs not only face-to-face but also in online environments. A Q&A session on cyber violence followed. After discussing measures to prevent peer bullying, participants engaged in a poster-making activity inspired by the question, "If you were in charge, what would you do to raise awareness about peer bullying?" At the end of the workshop, participants shared their questions and suggestions.

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