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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 World Audiologists Day 10th October

Audiology is the specialized area that deals with the diagnosis, rehabilitation, and prevention of hearing and balance impairments.

In the Audiology departments of universities, competent individuals are trained in the early diagnosis of individuals with hearing and balance loss and in the implementation of appropriate treatment and rehabilitative approaches. Those who successfully complete their audiology training are given the title of "Audiologist".
When audiologists start their career,
- Performs diagnostic tests and rehabilitation of hearing and balance related diseases.
- Determine and program the devices to be used for hearing rehabilitation.
- Carries out studies for the protection of hearing health and the prevention of hearing loss.
- Takes part in hearing screening programs and makes tests in these programs.
- Makes necessary suggestions about the protection of hearing by making noise measurements.
- Performs nerve monitoring related to hearing and balance during surgical procedures.
- Makes device adjustments during and after auditory implant surgeries.
- Performs auditory perception evaluation and rehabilitation.
- Takes part in the preparation of hearing-related training programs.

10 October is World Audiologists' Day, which is celebrated with various activities by Audiologists every year. It started to be celebrated for the first time in 2014 with the proposal of the Turkish Audiologists and Speech Specialists Association. The American Academy of Audiology established October as National Audiology Awareness Month in 2008. With the proposals and initiatives of the Turkish Audiologists and Speech Specialists Association, since 2014, 22 countries have accepted October 10 as World Audiologists Day.
Associations and professional organizations related to audiology have approved the adoption of October 10 as a special day. In many countries, such as the USA, Australia, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Spain, Israel, Portugal, and Romania, the European Audiology Federation, audiology associations, and professional organizations have published their support statements in this regard.
Hearing and speech specialists get together with novel and creative ideas in this field to raise awareness about audiology, and the necessity of early diagnosis and treatment in hearing and speech impairments is emphasized.
Audiologists aim to raise awareness all over the world with various events, congresses, symposiums, and meetings.
Res. Asst. Azize KÖSEOĞLU    
Res. Asst. Çağla TÜRK