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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Audiology Seminars in the Third Week of the 2021–2022 Spring Semester

Seminar presentations made by the research assistants of the Audiology Department about the Audiology Department will continue until the end of the spring semester.

This week's seminar presentations were by Res. Asst. Azize Köseoğlu's presentation on "Outer Ear Anomalies". Köseolu began her speech by defining "anomalie" and the factors that cause it. 
Speaking about the embryology of the outer ear and presenting the parts of the normal auricle with visuals, Köseoğlu said, "Since the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear develop independently of each other, there may be a malformation in any of the outer, middle, or inner ear that does not affect the others." said.
Explaining anomalies such as Microtia, Macrotia, Preauricular Sinus, Preauricular Tag, External Ear Clefts, External Auricular Atresia, Cryptotia, Prominent Ear, Polyotia, Darwin's Tubercle, Stahl Ear, Köseoğlu supported her presentation with visuals.
“The incidence of outer ear anomalies is 1 in 10-20,000, with males being more affected than females. It is usually unilateral and occurs more frequently in the right ear. In the plastic/reconstructive literature, there are classifications by Marx, Weerda, Tanzer, Fukuda, Firmine, Aguilar, and Jahrsdoerfer, as well as Altmann, Schuknect, De La Cruz, and Chiossone. In anomalies of the external ear canal, conductive hearing loss of 45-60 dB might be seen. Bilateral hearing loss has a negative impact on language development. As a result, hearing rehabilitation should start as soon as possible, and delays in speech development should be prevented.”
At the end of her speech, Köseoğlu talked about the importance of anamnesis, physical examination-otoscopic examination), behavioral tests, electrophysiological and acoustic immitansmetry tests, radiological examinations, and treatment (medical, surgical, rehabilitation (hearing aids), and follow-up examinations for the evaluation of anomalies.
The lecturers and students from the Audiology Department attended the seminar, the productive seminar ended with their contributions to the subject and thanks for the presentation.