Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr

 About Summer School of 2021-2022

  • -Course registrations for our university students will be made through OBIS.
  • -Students will first make their course selections and afterwards make their payments through OBIS.
  • -Course registration of students who do not make their payment until the end of the course registration period will be regarded as invalid.
  • -In summer semester, students can take the courses that he/she has never taken in the previous semesters, that he/she took but did not have the right to take the exam, that he/she took but failed, and that he/she wants to take in order to increase his/her GPA.
  • -A student can take maximum four (4)courses during the summer semester, including the courses to be taken from another Higher Education Institution.
  • -During summer semester students are not allowed to add, withdraw, or resign from courses unless they have a valid excuse (death, illness, injury, etc.) that is accepted by the related Executive Board. -Students who do not attend the course after registering will be given a letter grade of FF in the system, regardless of the grade obtained in the previous semesters.
  •  -Upper-level courses are not available to students during summer school.