The event was held with the participation of Prof. Abdullah Yüksel BARUT, Deputy dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nefise Semra ERKAN, Prof. Dr. Arif ÖNDER, Prof. Dr. Ebru KOLSAL, head of Child Development Department (English), Asst. Prof. Nurten ELKİN, head of Child Development Department (Turkish), Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz YILDIZ, Lect. Buse KERIGAN, Lect. Berk Efe ALTINEL, Res. Asst. Kevser Tuğba CINAR, Res. Asst. Hatice Zelal BINGÖL, our students and graduates.
After moderator Nurten ELKIN made speeches emphasizing the meaning and the importance of the date, our graduate students shared their feelings and comments as well.

Beyza GÜNAYDIN, one of our graduates, talked about the fact that participating in classes interactively throughout her student life improved her, that the lessons were student-centered, and the experiences she gained during her internships. She also indicated that the "National Health Sciences Student Congress" organized by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, was an event that guided her to reach the traces she left on herself and the information that gave her direction in her professional life. GUNAYDIN concluded her speech by stating she is currently working as a child development specialist at the Special Education and Rehabilitation Center and that she has a master's degree in the Child Development program at Istanbul Gelisim University.

Büsra AKDAG stated that the National Health Sciences Student Congress was the turning point. She stated that the presentations and practical lessons she made during her student years contributed to her professional development. AKDAG concluded her speech by saying that she is currently doing her master's degree in the Child Development program at Istanbul Gelisim University and continues her double major undergraduate program in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics.Ayça Gizem UREN stated that she determined the field she wanted to work in with the vocational education practices she had done during her student life. UREN concluded her words by stating that she was working as a child development specialist in the preschool institution where she carried out her vocational training practice.Soner YANIK stated that he used both the theoretical and practical knowledge he received throughout the education process in his professional life and that he participated in voluntary internship movements in various institutions and did an internship in 17 places in total. YANIK completed his words by indicating that he worked as a child development specialist at the Special Education and Rehabilitation Center, and had a master's degree in the Child Development program at Istanbul Gelişim University. He continues his education in Nutrition and Dietetics and minor in Psychology continues at the same time.
After our graduates, one of the faculty members of our department and also our graduate student, Res. Asst. Hatice Zelal BINGOL gave a speech. Prof. Dr. Ebru KOLSAL, head of the Child Development Program (English) stated success will come with the interactive participation of the students during the lessons.
Abdullah Yüksel BARUT, vice dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, started his speech by celebrating the 19 May Youth and Sports Day. He emphasized that taking professional practice discourses during their education and playing an active role in these courses will bring them success.
Prof. Dr. Nefise Semra ERKAN started her speech by stating that 47 years have passed since her undergraduate degree. She stated that the department of child development is a multidisciplinary field and that it plays a major role in raising and shaping children who are the representatives of our future. Child development experts work simultaneously with family-society-child and it is significant for the education of the society. She concluded her words by stating she keeps the child inside her alive and she feels lucky.