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 “Everything About Audiologists”

An interview titled “Everything About Audiologists” was conducted with Ayse Özer, an expert audiologist, by the Audiology Club of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences.

An interview titled “Everything About Audiologists” was conducted with Ayse Özer, an expert audiologist, by the Audiology Club of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences.
Specialist Audiologist Ayse Özer, who introduced herself at the beginning of the interview,  answered the questions asked by the students.
"What are the difficulties of being an audiologist and what awaits us?" “We need to be patient, the patient must be cooperative in order to be able to do our test. You have to do your job fondly."
The wondered question is "Is there a difference between an audiologist who graduated from private universities and an audiologist who graduated from a state university?":
“Basically, students receive the same education in private and state universities. It doesn't matter where they graduate, students need to develop themselves individually. " she said.
When asked what your advice is to audiologist candidates, she said that they should improve their English and be confident in themselves.
Another question  "What are the job opportunities for newly graduated audiologists and how can they improve themselves?" was.
“We can work in public hospitals and private hospitals as clinical audiologists, in hearing aid centers, implant companies, as an educational audiologist, and as an academician in universities. We should choose which field we love more, which field we are interested in. " Ayse Özer said.
While ending the interview, Specialist Audiologist Ayse Özer said that “I am proud to be an audiologist, I am very happy to be teaching at Istanbul Gelisim University as a lecturer. I wish all audiologists with academic career goals to continue their careers. "
You can find the relevant interview here.