Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr



The Audiology Department of Istanbul Gelişim University's Faculty of Health Sciences hosted a seminar titled "Ear Mold and Hearing Aid Applications" (IGU). The event, which included audiologist Adem TOPAL as a speaker, took place at the HSF Audiology Laboratory on December 15, 2021, between 16.00 and 17.00.

Adem TOPAL began his speech by briefly introducing himself before providing information on the hearing aid industry. He demonstrated how to perform an otoscopic examination in a practical setting. He explained how to use the otoscope, at what angle to hold it, and that the eardrum should be inspected with an otoscope before doing the audiological tests. The habit of taking ear prints began when the students examined each other's eardrums with an otoscope. After explaining the materials needed to take ear prints, our volunteer student was fitted with earmolds.

The precise application of the earmold in the hearing aid application is critical. Adem TOPAL, an audiologist, gave our students advice on how to take ear impression. He demonstrated many types of earmolds and discussed which mold should be utilized for whatever age group and patient profile. Finally, a demo of a hearing aid fitting program was presented.

As we come to the conclusion of the Audiology department's seminar event " Ear Mold and Hearing Aid Applications " Assist. Prof. Selva ZEREN, Lecturer Ayşe ÖZER, Res. Asst. Çağla TÜRK, Res. Asst. Azize KÖSEOĞLU, our students and our speakers thanked  Audiologist Adem TOPAL .As a result, the event, which had been beneficial to all of our participating faculty and students, came to a close.