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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr



A seminar called "Children with Hearing Loss" was held by the Audiology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU). Prof. Dr. Erol Belgin and Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sanem participated as speakers. The event was held online on Google Meet on December 8, 2021, between 20:00 and 22:00. The event attracted great interest and reached a very high number of participants.

Lecturer Seda KETEN from the Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences Audiology Department made the opening speech of our event, and Assist. Prof. A Yüksel BARUT and Audiology Department Head Assist. Prof. Selva ZEREN gave the floor to Prof. Dr. Erol BELGİN.

Talking about the etiology of hearing loss in children, Prof. Dr. Erol BELGİN then explained how we should approach hearing loss in children. He talked about the risk factors that cause hearing loss. Talking about the goals of national newborn hearing screening, Belgin emphasized the importance of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing loss in the earliest period. He gave information that will benefit our students by explaining Otoacoustic emission and Automatic Auditory Brain Stem Responses (O-ABR), which are methods of newborn hearing screening. He stated that it is healthy to test the infant after 12-18 hours in the hearing screening program and that the second test should be done 4-6 hours after the newborn screening test, which resulted in "failed." Belgin emphasized that the baby's posture, the position of the person performing the test, the location of the wires, and the probe selection are all critical and that the test's reliability should be at least 95%."Audiology is a field that diagnoses using whatever equipment is available." Belgin continued his speech with her words, emphasizing the value of becoming an audiologist. In his address, he spoke about the relevance and history of audiology.
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sanem AHLI began her presentation on the fundamental principles of auditory rehabilitation by stating the World Health Organization's estimate of the number of children with hearing loss. Talking about the effects of hearing loss seen in childhood in social and educational fields as well as language development, Şahlı talked about the effects of untreatable hearing loss in academic and professional fields.
Şahlı continued her address by discussing advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss. Şahlı gave recommendations for the educational intervention process, stating that the level of success in rehabilitation is determined by elements such as the etiology of the hearing loss, the time when the hearing loss began, and the proper timely educational intervention. Following the educational evaluation processes, she discussed language-speech testing and auditory-verbal treatment. She talked about language-speech tests and auditory-verbal therapy after the educational evaluation steps. Belgin concluded his presentation by presenting case studies.

As we near the conclusion of the Audiology department's online seminar event "Children with Hearing Loss" Assist. Prof. Selva ZEREN, Lecturer Seda KETEN, Res. Asst. Cagla TÜRK, Res. Asst. Azize KÖSEOĞLU, our students and our speakers thanked Prof. Dr. Erol BELGIN and Prof. Dr.Ayşe Sanem ŞAHLI. As a result, the event, which had been beneficial to all of our participating faculty and students, came to a close.