Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 What Are The Gains To Be Obtained When Choosing The Audiology Department?

In Audiology undergraduate education, training is given on professional practice understanding in Audiology, including the latest developments, and on research principles and methods applicable to Audiology.

Guiding and diagnosing individuals with hearing loss and balance disorders; Implementation and follow-up of hearing aid and implant applications of individuals with hearing loss and developing new devices and implants for their needs and problems are among the basic subjects of audiology education.
Audiology education provides:
· Undergraduate education, which is a prerequisite for postgraduate studies in audiology and language-speech disorders,
Scientific and theoretical frameworks for understanding human communication and communication disorders,
· Gaining perspectives on lifelong communication disorders.
In addition, it may be possible to study communication disorders from different cultural, linguistic, social and economic backgrounds with a later master's degree. These studies can be done in medical fields (eg hospitals), schools, private practice, community and university clinics, long-term care facilities and industrial areas.