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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


  What Are Laboratory Facilities? (Part 1)

Part 1

Audiology is a discipline that deals with the diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders, and the prevention of these diagnosed disorders. The Audiology department is the department that trains individuals who are competent in the early diagnosis of hearing and balance losses and in performing the appropriate treatment with a rehabilitative approach.
Audiology science includes various test batteries (Pure Tone Audiometry, Speech Audiometry, Free Field Audiometry, Play Audiometry, Visual Conditioned Audiometry, Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex Test, Eustachian Tube Function Test, Reflex Decay, Otoacoustic Emission Tests, Advanced Electrophysiological Tests, VNG, Caloric Test. Using V-HIT, whether the hearing of children and adults is at a normal level, if they have hearing problems, where the problem in the hearing system originates from and what level it is, as well as hearing with appropriate amplification (hearing aids or cochlear implants) and auditory rehabilitation; It initiates the appropriate vestibular rehabilitation process by evaluating the problem with appropriate vestibular test equipment, the source of the problem (peripheral or central pathology) and giving appropriate exercises for the problem.
Hearing Tests
In the Audiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Istanbul Gelisim University, detailed hearing assessment, balance assessment/rehabilitation and newborn hearing screening trainings can be performed in adult and pediatric patients.
-Pure tone audiometry
-Speech audiometry
-Acoustic Immitansmetry
-Otoacoustic Emission
-Electrophysiological Tests Measurements: Responses occurring in the auditory nerve and auditory centers in the brain are monitored with the help of electrodes.
- Real Ear Measurements: Provides proper amplification by making real ear measurements (REM).
Hearing screening with Automatic ABR
Tinnitus (Tinnitus) Evaluation
Balance Disorder Assessment
Vestibular System Test Batteries
-Videonystagmography (VNG): VNG is a system consisting of different subgroup tests developed for the detailed investigation of balance disorders. It includes the evaluation of the connection paths between visual information and the balance center in the ear by evaluating the visual, vestibular and central systems that make up our balance system with subtests (oculomotor tests, positional tests and caloric test).
Video Head Impulse Test (V-HIT)
All these evaluations are made by audiologists, who are graduates from Audiology Department. Audiology is a discipline that deals with the diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders, and the prevention of these diagnosed disorders. The Audiology department is the department that trains individuals who are competent in the early diagnosis of hearing and balance losses and in performing the appropriate treatment with a rehabilitative approach.